interannette knits

knitting adventures!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

afgans for Afghans 

I have been running out of creative steam with my knitting lately. It's too warm to think about starting a sweater. And I can't stand the feel of knitting with cotton and other warm weather fibers. So I started on a sock binge. But, to date I have completed exactly one and a quarter socks. What I really needed is some instant knitting gratification. At this point I am also limited by the fact that I am at my parents house and all my stash is boxed up in Tempe. The only yarn I have is a bunch of half skeins of Plymouth Encore and Wool-Ease in various colors and six skeins of Elena Lopi my grandmother gave me. My grandmother keeps asking me if I have made anything of it yet; and is sure to remind me that there is enough to make a sweater. The Lopi is a muted pink with flecks of white. It's really not that bad but for some reason I just don't like the color one bit. So, it's definitely not becoming a sweater, at least not for me.

Since I had all that machine washable acrylic blend, I thought maybe I'd knit up a few baby items for charity. A search for charitable knitting organizations quickly turned up afghans for Afghans. When I went to their website I found they are looking for children's mittens, hats, vests, etc. And only wool can stand up to harsh the harsh Afghanistan winters. The catch is, it takes so long to get to Afghanistan that they need these items by July 21st.

Well now I have a goal: I am going to use up every last bit of all six skeins of the Elena Lopi for hats and mittens. And I'm going to do it before July 11th when I fly back to Tempe. I have a free priority mail flat rate box sitting under my makeshift desk waiting for mittens. Current count: two pairs of mittens and one hat. I figure it I make a mitten (or half a hat) a day I should make it.

Oh, and if emptying my stash wasn't good enough, if you get the donations in by July 21st, you are entered to win a $50 gift certificate to Yarn Market. I'm a sucker for prizes!
Posted by interannette @ 5:02 PM

